Payu Payment gateway Integration in Django

Python Package for PayuBiz Payment Gateway for Django Based Applications.

These packages in the development stage, its cool package for the payu payment gateway.
demo application deployed in
[home page only redirect to payment gateway, the result you can see in JSON format]
sample credentials for payment
    Name on Card: Any name
    Card Number: 5123456789012346
    CVV: 123
    Expiry Date: 05/2017

Lets Begins

django_payubiz is wrapper for payubiz payment gateway for django based web application. I can see the internet many of the developers are asking about following doubt

  • Getting error while creatig hash val
  • Redirection is not happening
  • Transaction failure

be cool now you don't worry about the these things i have the solution for this.


* Install django_payubiz from PYPI repository or clone the package from the [django_payubiz repo](
    `pip install payu_biz`

Step 1 :
    * Include the `payu_biz` package in to the INSTALLED_APPS
        `INSTALLED_APPS = (
                'payu_biz' ## Package
Step 2:
    Add following parameters in the project

    Note : For the Testing purpose you don't need to include ['PAYMENT_MODE',
    'MERCHANT_KEY','MERCHANT_SALT'] in the projects.

      * The value should be one of the items from the list ['production', 'test']
          `PAYMENT_MODE = "production" ` `default will be "test"`

       * merchant_key from payu. default value will be included builtin in the package.
           `MERCHANT_KEY = "xxxxxxxx" `

       * merchant_salt from payu. default value will be included builtin in the package.
          `MERCHANT_SALT = "xxxxxxxx" `

      * Where to redirect while transaction is succeeded.
          `SUCCESS_URL = "" `

      * Where to redirect while transaction got failure.
          `FAILURE_URL = "" `

      * Where to redirect while transaction got canceld
          `CANCEL_URL = "" 
django_payubiz integration in your project. Add following codes in your

 `from payu_biz.views import make_transaction
    `def home(request):
        """ DO your stuffs here and create a dictionary (key,value pair) """
         cleaned_data = {
                'txnid': "aaaaassss", 'amount': 450000, 'productinfo': "sample_produ",
                'firstname':"renjith", 'email': "", 'udf1': '', 
                'udf2': '', 'udf3': '', 'udf4': '', 'udf5': '', 'udf6': '', 'udf7': '', 
                'udf8': '', 'udf9': '', 'udf10': '','phone':"9746272610"
         """ Payment gate calling with provided data dict """       
         return make_transaction(cleaned_data) `


  1. Please store the response data into database.[the package will update soon] 2.The following keys must be there in your cleaned_data dict
    • txnid - Unique
    • amount
    • productinfo - small description
    • firstname - user firstname
    • email - user email id (Payu will send the transaction details with this mail)
    • phone -
    • udf1 - udf10 - Chumma(Just simply if you want to add any details you can add)


  • Verify Payment
  • Check Payment
  • Capture Transaction
  • Refund Transaction
  • Cancel Transaction
  • Cancel Refund Transaction
  • Check Action Status

Verify Payment

`from payu_biz.views import (make_transaction, verify_payment)
 def home(request):
    """ Do Stuffs """
    txnid = "payu_biz82532"
    vp = verify_payment(txnid)
    print vp`


`from payu_biz.views import (make_transaction, check_payment)
 def home(request):
    """ Do Stuffs """
    mihpayid = "403993715515865279" ## captured from make_transaction response 
    cp = check_payment(mihpayid)
    print cp `

Capture Transaction

`from payu_biz.views.import (make_transaction, capture_transaction)
 def home(request):
    """ DO stuffs """
    mihpayid = "403993715515865279" ## captured from make_transaction response 
    ct = capture_transaction(mihpayid)
    print ct`

Cancel Transaction

`from payu_biz.views.import (make_transaction, cancel_transaction)
 def home(request):
    """ DO stuffs """
    mihpayid = "403993715515865279" ## captured from make_transaction response 
    amount = "450000.00"
    ct = cancel_transaction(mihpayid,amount)
    print ct`

Refund Transaction

`from payu_biz.views.import (make_transaction, refund_transaction)
 def home(request):
    """ DO stuffs """
    mihpayid = "403993715515865279" ## captured from make_transaction response 
    amount = "450000.00"
    ref_t = refund_transaction(mihpayid, amount)
    print ref_t `

Cancel Refund Transaction

`from payu_biz.views.import (make_transaction, cancel_refund_transaction)
 def home(request):
    """ DO Stuffs """
    mihpayid = "403993715515865279"
    amount = "450000.00"
    ct = cancel_refund_transaction(mihpayid, amount)
    print ct `

Check Action Status

`from payu_biz.views.import (maketransaction, cancel_refund_transaction, check_action_status)
 This API is used to check the status of refund/cancel requests
 def home(request):
    request_id = "127403301"  # Pass the Cancel Refund Request ID
    c_status = check_action_status(request_id)
    print c_status` 
demo application : 


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